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Certificates and Expert opinions

Speaking about our products, it is very important to emphasize that quality control is given special attention at all stages of production:

  • All raw materials from which PVC flooring is produced are tested in our own laboratories on certified and certified devices.
  • All finished products "Komitex Lin" is tested in its own laboratories for compliance with its physical and mechanical properties, standardized parameters.

Strict control allows us to speak with confidence about the quality of our products. This is confirmed by certificates and conclusions.

Certificates of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents TU, GOST :

Fire certificate Vinyl SW:

Download the certificate of conformity to requirements of technical regulations on the PVC flooring collections Comfort, Modern

Certificate of Antibacterial activity:

Expert opinion (Sanitary regulations and standards):

Expert opinion (Sanitary regulations and standards) Vinyl SW:

Antistatic certificate:

Experie conclusion about the use of linoleum Komiteks Lin for passenger cars railway transport of vniizg:

European CE certificate of conformity. European fire safety certificate Bfl-s1:

Protocol to the Аnti-slip:


European Protocol on abrasion, color fastness, shrinkage, deformation:


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