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Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 MSK

Modular PVC Coating Vinyl SW

Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you about the launch of a new high-tech modern product called Vinyl SW

Komitex Lin has been producing linoleum since 2002, using Strong Wear technology in the production of which, thanks to which the service life of the floor covering is more than 20 years. Komitex Lin company has come a long way, and today we are pleased to inform you about the launch of a new high-tech modern product called Vinyl SW. Vinyl SW is not yesterday's vinyl. This is a beautiful, safe and durable floor covering, not inferior to natural. Today LVT is the best option for flooring. Vinyl SW is suitable for all types of rooms. It is water-resistant, scratch-resistant, load-bearing, geometrically stable under temperature changes. All these qualities speak of an ideal solution for rooms of very different functionality, such as bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, enclosed loggias, living rooms and dining rooms. You can learn more about Vinyl SW in the catalog PVC modular Vinyl SW coating

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