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+7 (8212) 28-65-39

Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 MSK



Komitex Lin-the leading producer of floor coverings with the developed distribution network in Russia and the CIS countries, having sales representatives in key regions, constantly developing a line of products and annually increasing a market share

The advantages of working in the company "Komiteks Lin»:

1. Official employment.
2. Stable wages-decent wages are paid on time and on time.
3. Career and professional growth-our employees have the opportunity to improve their level of professionalism and move up the career ladder. The development and promotion of the career ladder can constantly improve the financial condition of employees. The main qualities that contribute to career growth in our organization are effectiveness, professionalism, initiative and ability to take responsibility. Any employee with these qualities, has the opportunity to climb up the ladder, starting his way from an ordinary position.
4. Corporate culture-our company develops corporate culture, which is aimed at forming a cohesive team and maintaining cultural traditions.
5. Working in a friendly team - we always have a friendly atmosphere, which allows each employee to feel part of the team.
6. Delivery to the place of work on official transport – employees of  Komitex Lin are daily delivered to the place of work on comfortable office buses.

To work in the enterprise we are waiting for motivated, outgoing, disciplined professionals and workers.

For employment, please contact the personnel Department:
tel: (8212) 28-65-05, 28-63-70

You can also send your resume by e - mail:

e-mail: ok@lin.komitex.ru

Currently there are no vacancies

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