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Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 MSK

The Domotex in Hanover 2019

In January 2019 in Hanover (Germany) was held the largest annual exhibition of carpets and floor coverings DOMOTEX

The exhibition has been held annually since 1989 and gathers leading manufacturers, architects, interior designers, representatives of wholesale and retail trade. Representatives of 60 countries, more than 1400 expositions, all advanced achievements in the field of floor coverings were presented at the exhibition. The stand of Komitex Lin was one of the largest in this exhibition and attracted the attention of a large number of visitors from around the world. It should be noted that the products of Komitex Lin every year more and more in demand, both in the Russian and European market. This is a very important indicator, which says that there is always a demand for high-quality innovative products. Buyers from year to year are becoming more demanding as to the quality and safety of the goods, preferring to purchase products from reliable and trusted manufacturers. Actual designs-novelties attracted visitors to the exhibition, calling attention to the products. Demonstration of the unique properties of the protective layer of linoleum and the base, finally consolidated the interest in the company, resulting in a lot of business negotiations within the exhibition days. On the final day of the exhibition, the results of work for 2018 were summed up, new mutually beneficial cooperation agreements were signed, agreements on special conditions of work were reached, plans for 2019 were outlined. The company Komitex Lin expresses its gratitude to all visitors who visited the exhibition and the stand of our plant.

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