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+7 (8212) 28-65-39

Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 MSK

October 10, 2018 at the plant Komitex Lin held a seminar

The program of the seminar was rich and, judging by the feedback of the participants, interesting.

In the first part of the event, the participants visited the production sites of Komitex plant, where they got acquainted with the process of production of polyester linoleum base - ECOPOL. Further, the guests had a tour of the production shop Komitex Lin, where the participants got acquainted with the production cycle of linoleum. In the second part of the event, a presentation was held for the guests, where the specialists of Komitex Lin spoke about the product, its characteristics and the main technological and operational advantages. The theoretical part gradually turned into a lively dialogue with the specialists of Komitex Lin, during which the guests shared their thoughts on the presented updated designs, discussed further prospects for cooperation. At the end of the evening the participants had a festive dinner, where guests could communicate and discuss issues in an informal setting. We thank the guests of the seminar for their participation and look forward to new meetings!

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