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New Komitex Lin wins

In order to successfully sell any product, the seller must be confident in their product. Komitex Lin understands this and is therefore putting its product through more and more tests.

This time we sent our products to the accredited Austrian laboratory "OETI", specializing in the study and analysis of floor coverings. Our linoleum was tested for compliance with European standards for flooring on the following indicators: 1. Abrasion resistance of the protective layer - how long the protective layer of linoleum will last; 2. Residual deformation-whether there will be dents and traces of furniture or heels; 3. Color fastness-will the linoleum pattern fade in the sun; 4. Change of linear dimensions-our product will shrink or stretch during operation. These indicators ultimately worry buyers at the household level: · will the linoleum eventually come out from under the plinth? · how quickly will wear out the linoleum, how long will last the linoleum in the apartment? * will there be traces of the sofa, wardrobe, heels? · will the color of the product change during operation? As a result, the answers to these questions determine the choice of the end customer. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that linoleum LLC "Komitex Lin" passed all the tests perfectly: 1) Abrasion of the protective layer is 2.5 times better than the world standards! (loss of 0.8 mm3 per 100 cycles Taber test at a rate not exceeding 2.0, standard EN 660-2). In consumer language means that linoleum Komitex Lin will last from 20 years (0.15 mm thickness of the protective layer) to 50 years (0.5 mm thickness of the protective layer). 2) the residual deformation is 1.7 times better than the world standards! EN ISO 24343-1 (0.24 mm at 0.4 mm, standard EN 433). This suggests that the linoleum will not be traces of heels and heavy furniture, the coating will remain with a beautiful appearance. 3) color Fastness to artificial light according to EN ISO 105-B02 – the result is 6-7 points. This suggests that linoleum will not fade in the sun and will not change its color. 4) The change in linear dimensions is 8 times better than the world standards! (0.1% in the longitudinal and 0.05% in the transverse direction at a rate of not more than 0.4%, standard EN ISO 23999). You can be completely sure that the linoleum will lie exactly as you laid it, it will not come out from under the plinth and will not go wave during operation.

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