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Domotex exhibition in Hanover

The company Komitex Lin participated in the DOMOTEX in Hannover 2018

In January, the annual exhibition of floor coverings "Domotex"was held in Hanover (Germany). The exhibition is very popular all over the world, participants and visitors come to it from different countries in order to demonstrate and evaluate the latest trends and fashion trends in the field of flooring. In 2018, Komitex Lin took part in the exhibition, along with other major manufacturers of linoleum and floor coverings. All four days of the exhibition, the stand of the company was of great interest to visitors. At the stand you could meet our regular partners, who have long been familiar with the product, and completely new potential partners interested in the quality of products Komitex LIN. Actual designs-novelties attracted visitors to the exhibition, calling attention to the products. Demonstration of the unique properties of the protective layer of linoleum and the base, finally consolidated the interest in the company, resulting in a lot of business negotiations within the exhibition days. During these busy days the stand was visited by representatives of wholesale and retail companies from Canada, India, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. Very high interest was expressed by representatives of the EU countries – Germany, France, Poland, Latvia. It should be noted that in European countries, the advantages of polyester base over foam are recognized, which is confirmed by the prices in retail, with the same technical characteristics of linoleum on polyester 5-6 euros more expensive than similar products on foam. Professionals who have extensive experience with flooring, and the exhibition was mostly just such people, it was enough to throw an appreciative look at the designs, turn the samples and evaluate the basis to become interested, to proceed to a more detailed acquaintance with the products. The exhibition demonstrated video clips, from which the guests of the stand could make sure that the wear resistance of the calendered protective layer is at least 2 times better than the wear resistance of the plastisol protective layer. Antibacterial properties, lack of pores and resistance to contamination of our linoleum tested visual way – applied and washed green paint from the surface of the floor covering. Zelenka from the surface of the calendered protective layer is erased without the slightest trace, and on the surface of the plastisol protective layer remains a bright spot of pollution, which can not be removed with water. Some visitors were surprised that the unique characteristics of the calendered protective layer are available in a width of up to 4 meters, and in fact we are the only company in the world that managed to overcome technical barriers and mastered the most complex technology of production of linoleum with calendered protective layer up to 4.0 m. A number of guests working with contract coatings, highly appreciated the potential of our commercial collections Elbrus, Everest, Spectrum, Hangar for education, health, trade, offices. Representatives of retail companies, DIY paid more attention to household coatings, noting the current designs and a wide range of collections for all segments of the market, different categories of end customers. All, and representatives of suppliers, and even representatives of companies competing with us in the market of floor coverings, recognized the tremendous progress that we have shown in recent years, creating new, unique products in both domestic and commercial segment. Bright, well-designed stand of Komitex Lin fully reflected the essence of our company – dynamism, environmental friendliness, relevance. Given the Grand scale of the exhibition (more ... manufacturers,.... stands), so close attention of visitors confirms the highest interest in our products around the world.

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