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The company Komitex Lin took part in the international exhibition BUILD SCHOOL.

In September 2018, the international exhibition Build School was held, dedicated to the design, construction and modernization of kindergartens and schools.

Build School is the Only exhibition in Russia that comprehensively covers all aspects of design, construction and equipment of kindergartens and schools. The exhibition brings together leading companies working in the field of design, construction, reconstruction, modernization and operation of preschool and school buildings Visitors to the stand of Komitex Lin were presented the latest developments in the field of domestic and commercial linoleum. The stand of the company was visited by a large number of potential customers not only from Moscow and the Moscow region, but also from other cities of our big country. The exhibition was attended by: architects, designers, designers, Directors of schools and kindergartens, builders and customers. Visitors of the stand of the company received detailed professional consultations of the leading specialists of the company, could get acquainted with samples of the presented collections both household, and commercial linoleum. Practical demonstration experiments were conducted at the stand, which demonstrated the advantages of calendered protective layer. During the exhibition, marketing Director Ruslan Lazhentsev made a presentation about the company Komitex Lin, telling and demonstrating the advantages of the product. Summing up, I would like to thank all the guests who visited our stand, participation in the exhibition was very interesting and fruitful for us – we have acquired new useful acquaintances, we hope for their further development and fruitful cooperation!

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