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Guide to new designs 2019

"There is only one kind of journey that is possible – to our inner world." A. Tarkovsky.

Probably, each of us loves to travel, because travel reveal to us the secrets of other worlds, allowing to return back already changed people. You can go on a journey in different ways: on a high-speed liner or in the car, or maybe just in front of the TV screen. In fact, it does not matter, because any journey is a way to yourself. We invite you to take a trip to the cities of the world with new designs that we have developed and launched in 2019. We hope that a small tour will allow you to dream about the upcoming trips or immerse yourself in a wave of memories of your favorite, already known places. Or maybe it will help you to make a choice in the purchase of flooring from the new 2019 from Komitex Lin. Probably, each of us loves to travel, because travel reveal to us the secrets of other worlds, allowing to return back already changed people. 1. Going to Europe. Geneva. The lucky ones who have ever visited Switzerland, had the opportunity to be inspired by the beautiful mountain scenery and admire the ancient streets in the old part of the city. The new design of "Geneva" in the collection of Provence captures a romantic return to the old days – this brushed, slightly knotty, realistic Board that you really want to touch, made with the finest tints of color. Imagine how the Rhone river divided Geneva into two parts: ancient, pearl-gray (Geneva 652) and modern, snow-white (Geneva 651). - Geneva 651 is filled with light pastel shades: from the most delicate pink to the mysterious purple. The design perfectly sets off the depth of the dark interior; refreshes the classic warm shades in the room; expands the light space, filling it with air. - Geneva 652 is realized in noble shades of black pearls. Trendy dark gray color, fitting into the interior with light walls, will perfectly expand the space, as well as perfectly fit into the atmosphere with elements of high-tech. In the classic interior, this shade will enhance the feeling of coziness and comfort. The design is made in the width of the Board 16.5 cm. 2. France. Paris. From Switzerland, we can easily move to France, where in the 17th century the cardinal and the head of government was well – known for his novels, cardinal Richelieu. The founder of the French Academy was also famous for his love of cats. In honor of the famous cardinal was named no less famous openwork embroidery – "Richelieu". The new design from the collection of Versailles - "Richelieu" shaped graphics reminiscent of textile motifs and creates an intermediate genre of flooring: a symbiosis of carpet and wooden floor. - Richelieu 171 contained the lightness of the winter pattern on the Windows with pinkish shades of the cold sun. The game of smooth lines, connecting with the snow-white color, creates an atmosphere of harmony and peace in the room. This color shade is universal for any space. In combination with a small drawing module, it will elegantly fit even into the most modest room. - Richelieu 172 is offered in the color of "bitter chocolate"or " wenge". Restrained and artistic dark color enhances the effect of patterned interlacing of silver lines. This color is for those who prefer white, light beige or light gray furniture. 3. England. London. Continuing the journey through Europe, we go to London, where the zero Meridian, called "Greenwich", separating the Western and Eastern hemispheres. We combined juicy and expressive "Eastern" solutions in the Versailles household collection, and more restrained cold "Western" tones - in the new Commerce collection. This design is addressed to those who prefer elegance and traditional style combined with the nobility of natural materials. - Greenwich 661-universal classic solution for any room. If you spend a lot of time in the car, behind the screen of the gadget or with household appliances – sooner or later you will have a desire to get rid of the "dominance of the digital world" and immerse yourself in the world of real things. In that case, Greenwich 661 is the perfect solution for you. Spectacular expressive Board, made in warm shades of honey, with the finest bluish-pink tints, will fit perfectly into any interior. - Greenwich 662 is designed for fans of the Scandinavian style. Silver-white, with a barely noticeable interweaving of lilac color, it will be appropriate in the interior with a monochrome color scheme (white, gray, black), as well as in the classical space. - Greenwich 663-antipode 662, coal-black, with a slight bluish tint, discreet and modern. This is a truly stylish design that draws attention to the floor and sets the tone for the whole room. - Greenwich 664-a coloring with shades of morning "cocoa"or" coffee with milk." The modern note of pink color is woven into the complex classic tone of the magnificent tree. Greenwich 664 will easily fit into the interior of a modern apartment and will be in harmony with office or commercial furniture, while maintaining practicality and ease of care. - Greenwich 665 combines the simplicity and beauty of wood, fills the space with tranquility and serenity. This coloring promises to interior psychological safety and comfort, combining innovation and tradition. - Greenwich 666 is designed for those who like to experiment with different styles. Metal shade "techno", executed in classic wood, will help to combine vintage and industrial styles, thanks to the modern color effect. The Board is made in a width of 12.5 cm. 4. Morocco. Casablanca. And now let's change the direction of our journey and move from the cold of the British Isles to the warm and windy North of Africa, to the capital of Morocco – Casablanca. Translated from Spanish "Casablanca" means "white house". Located on the shores of the Atlantic ocean, the city impresses with the number of white architecture and the number of tiles. This image: the combination of a tile composition in white inspired the design of Casablanca in the Atlanta collection. - Casablanca 821 combines the idea of graphic tiles with texture filling of wood and elm root. Tiles of different sizes, arranged side by side, form a rhythmic pattern, alternating dark and light tone, multidirectional texture. Diagonal, vertical and horizontal directions of the texture inside the tiles create a game in space, help to match the room of any size. This design is good for kitchen and hallway, for children's room and for any other room. Geometric elements will overlap with similar elements in textiles, and a light shade of "cocoa with milk" will enhance the feeling of peace and tranquility in the house. 5. America. Seattle. Going from Africa to America, you need to be patient, planning a long flight and tune in to a completely different rhythm of life – we move to Washington, to the city of Seattle. The large metropolis is known for its rich natural landscapes: hills and mountains, lakes and bays. But, even in such a natural environment, residents of the metropolis spend much of their time in the car and office, experiencing a lack of sensations of contact with materials reminiscent of wildlife. For those who want to experience the memory of a wooden house or cottage, we have developed a design "Seattle". - Seattle 331 is a classic wooden shade with a feeling of simultaneous roughness and smoothness. It's like he's inviting you to touch him. In some places boards as if covered with the finest silver dust, and sometimes-like lacquered and impressive juiciness of color. If you are a connoisseur of vintage or country style, this coloring is for you. However, it is not bad for any classic interior. - Seattle 332-multicolored and mysterious design, pinkish-lilac-bluish-gray. It seems that the whole palette of the impressionist artist embodied in this coloring. Soft air chamfer creates volume and enhances the relief of boards, and the richness of color expands the possibilities of the owner of the room. Especially well this color will fit into the interior of a shop or cafe, thanks to the modernity, elegance and variety of colors. The width of the boards, 20 see 6. Canada. Vancouver. And again-in path. We are going to The West of British Columbia-to Canada, to the port city of Vancouver. Located on the Pacific coast, it surprisingly connected the business rhythm of life of residents of the metropolis with the proximity to nature. This fact was appreciated by the creators of Hollywood films: hundreds of pictures were shot in Vancouver (for example, such hits as "Titanic" or "Jumanji"). Turning to the theme of "black and white cinema" as the history of cinema, we have updated the design of Vancouver and offer it to you in two alternative colors: space black and quartz white. Monochrome colors continue to lead in the coming season. Black and white Vancouver will help you "keep up with the times", complement and decorate the interior of residential or public space. - Vancouver 344 is designed for those who live and evolve with the latest technologies and trends. The depth and richness of the dazzling black marble color combined with light silver strokes, perfectly set off the white and gray furniture, as well as allow stains and dirt to be invisible. - Vancouver 355 contained the lightness and purity of rock crystal with light tints of pink and lilac. This is a color solution for those who prefer graphic motifs, dark or colored furniture in the interior and, at the same time, it will be appropriate in a classical setting. Our journey ends and we go home. As with any journey, we will return different, changed. Let these changes help us to make a worthy choice of the proposed novelties and make plans for new journeys and discoveries.

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