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+7 (8212) 28-65-39

Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 MSK

April 4, 2019 in Moscow hosted a seminar on the design of novelties 2019

The venue of the seminar was chosen cozy Congress hall in the hotel complex "VEGA".

During the event, the technological features of the production of linoleum Komitex Lin, its application, selection criteria and service life, depending on the class of linoleum were considered. Speakers paid special attention to the design of the novelties of 2019. The participants of the seminar were invited to go on a small "journey" to different cities of Europe, during which the guests got acquainted with each new design. In the final part of the presentation, the guests got acquainted with the new universal collection "Commerce". The demonstration of new products found a positive response from the guests, the guests actively considered and studied the samples presented by Komitex Lin At the end of the event, guests were invited to a buffet, during which all participants had the opportunity to discuss with representatives of Komitex Lin issues on the presented materials and further prospects for cooperation. The company "Komitex Lin" thanks the guests for attending of the seminar, we will be glad to new meetings!

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