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Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 MSK

With Victory Day!

Dear friends, the Komitex Lin company cordially congratulates you on the victory Day — one of the most significant and esteemed dates in our country marking the end of the great Patriotic War.

The holiday of the great Victory is the most tragic, the most beautiful and touching. Probably, in every city around the eternal flame on this day gather those who came to lay flowers, remember our defenders and heroes, a moment to be silent and once again say thank YOU to them... Thank you for our peaceful life, for our children and grandchildren, for their happiness! Thank You, low bow and eternal memory… We congratulate veterans, home front workers and all those whose destinies are somehow connected with this great holiday. We wish all of them health, well-being and sincerely say "Thank you" to the heroes of this war. . We also congratulate all our clients, colleagues, partners and friends on the victory Day and hope that the exploits of the older generation will never be forgotten and will become a good example of dedication, determination and firmness of spirit for all of you in all situations.

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