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+7 (8212) 28-65-39

Mo-Fr 08:00-16:30 MSK

hi tech - strong wear technology
Linoleum Structure
Strong Wear
Calendered PVC wear layer almost does't contain pores, thereby eliminaties the ingress of moisture under the flooring during exploitation, when we wash the floors or pour anything on the them.
Decorative PVC Printed Film
The calendered method of production of the printed film layer is the distinctive feature of our products. That is why the print has such high quality and precision. The company’s experts improve the technology of printing each year putting no limits in creating your most comfortable and cozy interior.
Compact PVC Layer
Fiber glass mat
Taking into account the experience of foreign manufacturers of vinyl flooring has enabled Komitex Lin to create collections with fiber glass mat in the construction of the flooring. In PVC production, fiber glass mat serves as a carcas preventing the flooring from contracting. The fiber glass layer inside the construction in addition to the textile backing ECOPOL in such collections as ELBRUS, EVEREST, ANGARA, HARMONY, PECHORA, VERSAILLES provides excellent dimensional stability to the floor.
Compact PVC Layer
Read more about textile backing ECOPOL
As the basis of vinyl flooring, a warm and soundabsorbing textile backing ECOPOL is used.
LVT Structure
Protective Layer Strong Wear TM
Decorative PVC printed layer
PVC-calendered medium layer
Fiber glass mat
PVC-calendered bottom layer (high-quality impact-resistant vinyl backing)
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Interesting to know

Linoleum Komitex Lin — quality, reliability, durability

Komitex Lin company is a leading manufacturer of flooring in Russia, the owner of a unique patented Strong Wear technology. The upper transparent layer of linoleum is produced by the calendering method, which significantly improves the technical characteristics of the material. The products withstand high loads, are characterized by durability and abrasion resistance.

The wear resistance of Komitex Lin linoleum is 2.5 times higher than usual. The absence of micropores in the upper layer blocks the penetration of moisture, dirt and dust during operation and the development of microorganisms (mold, rot). To care for the coating, no special cleaning or detergents are required – ordinary wet cleaning is enough.

All characteristics are confirmed by certificates and conclusions of laboratories issued after the relevant tests. Komitex Lin linoleum is recommended for use in educational and medical institutions.

Due to the developed distribution network, you can buy our floor coverings in almost any region of Russia. We are constantly developing our product line and annually increasing our market share. Our assortment includes commercial, semi-commercial and household linoleum, there is a modular and rolled coating of different colors and design options, including using the "living structure" technology to obtain an appearance as close as possible to natural materials.

To clarify any questions about Komitex Lin linoleum, call +7 (8212) 28-65-39. We invite you to cooperate.

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